FAQ About Colon Hydrotherapy

The most frequently asked questions about Colon Hydrotherapy are found here. Always be open and honest in your communication regarding your prior and current health status so that the therapist will be able to help you achieve the most beneficial results from your colon hydrotherapy sessions.

1. What is a colon?

The colon , or large intestine, is the end portion of the human digestive tract. The colon is approximately 5 feet long and 1 1/2 inches in diameter.

2. What are the characteristics of a healthy, well-functioning colon?

One characteristic is a bowel movement shortly after a meal. The elimination should be easy and take no more than a few seconds. The stool will be long, large in diameter, light brown in color, without offensive odor and should float or sink very slowly. When the toilet is flushed the stool immediately begins breaking apart.

3. How can I tell if I have toxic material in my colon?

Common signs include: Headaches, backaches, constipation, excess flatulence, fatigue, bad breath, body odor, irritability, confusion, skin problems, diarrhea, sciatic pain, abdominal bloat and discomfort, protruding lower abdomen, varicose or spider veins, chronic urinary tract infections, hemorrhoids, yeast or fungal infections, stiff joints, mood swings, anxiety, insomnia, low libido, depression, fatigue, nausea, excessive mucus, excessive stress, cloudy urine or unexplained weight gain.

4. Is intestinal toxicity a common condition?

Yes it is. In today’s world of fast and processed foods coupled with high stress levels intestinal toxicity has become quite the norm. The use of colonics can effectively eliminate large quantities of toxic waste thereby positively affecting the condition of the entire body.

5. Will colonics help chronic constipation?

There are three factors involved in having a well-functioning colon: diet, exercise and attitude. Colonic hydrotherapy is excellent for cleansing and healing the colon so that diet, exercise and attitude can facilitate change and end constipation.https://healthmodalitiespc.com/colon-hydrotherapy-2/

6. Is colon hydrotherapy safe?

Yes. In fact with new colon therapy equipment, treatments are much safer than the common enema. Cindy has trained under the International Colon Hydrotherapy Association and combined with her Nursing and Massage Therapy Licenses, is able to ensure top quality safety and treatment.

7. Who administers a colonic?

Similar to massage, colonics at Health Modalities, PC are administered by colon hydrotherapist Cindy Van Valen, L.P.N., L.M.T., C.T.

​8. How does a colon hydrotherapy treatment compare to an enema?

An enema only reaches the rectum and lower part of the colon, whereas with colon hydrotherapy, the entire length of the colon (the large intestinal tract approximately 5 to 5 1/2 feet in length) is reached. Colon hydrotherapy is many more times effective. According to learned centenarian Dr. Norman Walker, “One colon irrigation is equivalent to thirty enemas.”

9. Why not use enemas, suppositories or laxatives instead?

Enemas and suppositories are useful for emptying the rectum (the lowest 8 to 12 inches of the colon)/ Chemical and herbal laxatives are potentially addictive. For a full cleanse, colon hydrotherapy is the best option, clearing the entire colon.

10. Do treatments hurt?

​No. In fact many people report their colon hydrotherapy sessions as being both refreshing and relaxing. If you are not prepared, you may have more difficulty releasing gas which is uncomfortable. Following the guidelines for how to prepare for a session will dramatically reduce the chances of this happening.

11. How much of the intestines are cleansed during a colon hydrotherapy treatment?

During a treatment it is possible for a professional colon therapist to cleanse the full length of the colon (large intestine). The small intestine is not specifically involved in a colon hydrotherapy treatment. The small intestine may be cleansed with the help of an oral (herb-based) intestinal cleanser. Cindy recommends Choke Berry juice also known as Aronjaberry juice prior to session, which can be found at www.superberries.com or at www.healingperformance.com and is the best preparation 3 to 5 days prior to your session. One tablespoon per day really helps the process to be much easier. The second most effective product is CHLOR oxygen which can be purchased at Whole Foods or online at www.luckyvitamin.com. This formula helps to increase peristalsis and should be taken daily for at least 3 to 5 days prior to session once or twice per day.

12. Is bacterial or viral contamination possible from the colon hydrotherapy equipment?

Modern colon hydrotherapy machines utilize pre-sterilized, disposable hoses and speculums. These disposables are used only once during a single therapy session. Properly administered, there is absolutely no danger of contamination.

13. How long does a treatment take?

Actual treatment time is about 45 minutes, but you should plan a total session visit of one hour in duration.

14. Does a menstrual period at the time of a colon hydrotherapy session effect treatment?

​No, in fact it’s usually a good time to receive a treatment, since your body is already cleansing. Your flow will not interfere with the success of the treatment.

15. Will I experience any intestinal discomfort or fatigue after the cleansing?

Usually not, but since the cleansing will stir up a lot of old debris and toxins, you might experience some minor nausea or fatigue. If any discomfort occurs, it is recommended to rest and apply a warm heating pad to the abdomen. If you wish, a mild vegetable broth or peppermint tea is usually soothing at this time. Any discomfort will usually pass within 24 hours.

16. Is a colonic painful?

​It rarely is. Usually painful experiences are the results of resistance and tension. A professional colon therapist is skilled at putting you at your ease and minimizing discomfort. Sometimes during a colonic, the colon muscles will contract suddenly, expelling considerable amounts of liquid and waste into the rectum. This may feel like cramping or gas, creating a feeling of urgency to empty the rectum. Such episodes, if they do occur, are brief and easily tolerated.

​17. Are colonics dangerous in any way?

Being an essentially natural process, there is virtually no danger with a colonic. Cleaning and sterilization of the necessary equipment and linen is done as normal procedure.

18. Will a colonic make me constipated or give me diarrhea?

A slight delay in bowel movements and then a resumption of a somewhat larger, easier to move stool is common. Sometimes there may be no bowel movement for several days. This is not due to the colonic but rather to the weakness of the colon and is an indication that the colon requires strengthening and healing. Rarely will diarrhea or loose bowels due to the extra water introduced into the colon or to the stirring up of toxic waste be experienced. If it does it usually stops quickly.

19. Do I need to take probiotics after colon cleansing to replace intestinal flora washed out of the colon?

​While it is recommended to use probiotics; it is not because the treatment washes out intestinal flora. Colon hydrotherapy does not wash out intestinal flora. Taking probiotics subsequent to a colon cleansing is beneficial, because it helps to improve the bacterial balance in the colon.

Most people have very few good bacteria in their colon and a very large amount of unhealthy bacteria, like E-coli. Once a cleanse has been completed it is important to take healthy doses of porbiotics so that you can re-colonize the good and necessary bacteria in your colon. Healthy bacteria can only breed in a clean environment which has been washed free of toxins and harmful bacteria. When you clean out the toxins and make a better environment for the good flora, they start to multiply and in doing so keep out the unhealthy bacteria which will find no room to grow in.

20. Since the colon isn’t the only organ of elimination, what makes the colon so important?

While the lungs, skin, kidneys and liver also serve to eliminate toxins, many of the toxins they eliminate are the result of insufficient elimination of the colon. For example, skin eruptions can be a result of a poorly functioning colon.

​21. What effect does colon hydrotherapy have on our immune system?

Recent European studies speculate that 65% of immune tissue resides in the intestines. Therefore it is logical that this type of therapy could influence immune deficiency diseases. Colon hydrotherapy is not a cure-all, but an important complementary therapy in the overall health of the client.

22. Can I work directly after having a colon hydrotherapy session?

Certainly. You can work just as you would after a regular bowel movement.

23. What can I expect after a session?

As soon as the colonic is finished you can carry on with your daily routine. The colonic may trigger several subsequent bowel movements for the next few hours, but there won’t be any uncontrollable urgency or discomfort. You may feel light-headed or chilled for a few moments following the colonic.

24. How many treatments do I need?

It all depends on your condition and on the results of the first colonic. If a condition has been building up over years, it is unlikely that it will disappear completely after one 40 – 50 minute cleansing, but most people feel improvements after the very first session. If you go on a maintenance program between treatments, and you adopt dietary and lifestyle modifications, if they are required, then the number of colonics will be reduced, and the periods between colonics will be longer.

​25. Will I lose weight?

You may lose some weight. Most people feel lighter after a colonic. Just bear in mind that you lose wastes only, not fat or cellulite. If you start eating less, increase your fiber intake, move or exercise more, chew better and drink more water, then you will achieve a permanent weight loss.

26. Will I be able to drive home after a colonic session?

Most people do not find it difficult to drive back after their colonic treatment.

27. Do I have to leave my modesty at the door?

Colonic irrigation practitioners listed in the Register are committed to preserving clients’ modesty at all times. You will be fully covered, protected and warm during your treatment. Toilet and washing facilities are very close, for your exclusive use.

28. Can I have a colonic if I am pregnant?

We would not recommend colonics at any time during pregnancy unless it is recommended and performed by a qualified medical practitioner specializing in pregnancy.

29. How soon after the childbirth can I have a colonic? Can I have it while I am nursing?

​You can have a colonic 10 to 12 weeks after a regular childbirth, unless you had complications or a caesarean. You need to decide for yourself whether your body has recovered enough from the shock of childbirth. Make sure your stitches have healed fully, talk to your doctor or nurse if in doubt. You can have a colonic while you are nursing.