Pre & Day Of Colon Hydrotherapy Session Information

How to prepare for a Colon Hydrotherapy Session

An important part of your colonic treatment is finding the right therapist for your cleanse. By choosing Certified Colon Hydrotherapist Cindy Van Valen, you are already on your way to a successful session. After you have read the information regarding how to prepare for your treatment and the Frequently Asked Questions, Cindy will be available to discuss any further questions or concerns you may have. Completing a Client IN Take Form will lead your conversation in the right direction allowing Cindy to take into consideration your current health, diet and goals for detoxification.

How to prepare for your first Colon Hydrotherapy Session

Once you have conversed with Cindy via the telephone and set your appointment date and time, following these guidelines will ensure that you maximize your treatment to its fullest potential.

Five to seven days before your session:

  • Drink a few liters of water throughout the day to ensure that you are well-hydrated for your session
  • 16 to 32 ounces of raw vegetable juice
  • Cleansing diet
  • Eat light
  • Supplemental Healing Treatments Which Assist in Colon Detoxification:
    • Abdominal Castor Oil Pack
    • Dry Skin Brushing
    • Fasting
  • Try to avoid dairy products, red meats, shell fish, processed carbohydrates (white rice, pasta, etc.), fried foods, sugar, carbonated beverages, i.e. Pop or Beer even Kombucha, for as long as you can leading up to your appointment.
  • Include most of the following in your diet:
    • Raw fruits
    • Lightly steamed, low starch vegetables
    • Organic raw nuts (soaked) and seeds
    • Plenty of omega 3, 6, 9 coconut oils, avocados and cold pressed oils like olive and sesame oil
    • Whole grains – brown rice, Quinoa, millet, etc.
    • Organic chicken and fresh water clean fish

Cleansing Diet

Starting with diet, it is helpful to maintain a diet packed with green leafy vegetables (raw and cooked), and whole grains. The cellulose and fiber in these foods will assist in loosening the impacted colon matter. It may also be beneficial to prepare freshly made vegetable juices throughout the day. Raw vegetable juice contains high amounts of enzymes that also serve to assist detoxification. Fruits and vegetables eaten in their raw form assist detoxification by “drawing out” toxins from the body, working much like a magnet to attract the poison. An ionic charge of the healthy fruits and vegetables connects to the ionic charge of the poison and thus awakens and brings the toxins to the surface. This is the reason that a person may experience some detoxification symptoms when eating raw (cleansing) foods. It is recommended to implement a cleansing diet at a moderate pace, gradually increasing raw foods to the diet so as to minimize adverse reactions.

Additionally, in preparation for colon hydrotherapy, it is recommended to decrease animal protein consumption for a minimum of three days prior to the treatment. Animal foods are binding foods and high in acid, for the most part, counter-productive for detoxification. It is recommended that food intake the day of a colon cleansing session should be light. One should not eat food at least two hours prior to the session.

After the colonic session, drink plenty of water and freshly made vegetable juice. Food intake over the next few hours should be light and moderate. Start with raw foods, steamed vegetables and whole grains as needed.

Supplemental Healing Treatments Which Assist in Colon Detoxification

Abdominal Castor Oil Pack

In some cases, the use of a castor oil pack in preparation of the colon hydrotherapy session is beneficial to soften and loosen impacted matter and gases. This should be discussed prior to your cleanse with Cindy.

The Use of Castor Oil

In the early 1900’s, Edgar Cayce led the way in developing the use of castor oil for his patients who had symptoms of constipation or infrequent bowel movements. He recommended castor oil packs for adhesions, intestinal impactions, and obstructions of the alimentary canal. Additionally, castor oil packs are beneficial in the treatment of arthritis, ulcers, acne and liver detoxification.

Palma Christi is a highly recommended choice for castor oil. To use this treatment, saturate a flannel with warm oil and place on the skin. Cover the area with plastic and heat for one hour with either a hot water bottle or heating pad. This treatment will soften and loosen any hardened, impacted colon matter. It is this old impaction that is the main target of a colon cleanse. Releasing this matter will reveal a vibrant, overall well being.

Dry Skin Brush

Another great detoxification method is dry brushing the skin two to three times per week. This will assist the body’s detoxification through the skin, stimulate the circulatory system and rid the body of impurities and toxins.

The Use of Dry Brush

This is most often done by using a wooden brush with a long handle, with bristles that are hard and stiff for maximum benefit. The strokes are centripetal, toward the heart, following with two strokes in an upward direction on each line of skin beginning with the legs, then the arms and down the torso, on the front and back of the body. It is good to follow this with a cold shower to cleanse the skin and stimulate the circulatory and nervous systems.


Vegetable juice fasts are recommended for the facilitation of the detoxification process. During a fast, the body experiences cell contraction which squeezes out the poisons and toxins. It is an aggressive form of healing and should be discussed with Cindy to determine if a juice fast is right for you and if so, the duration of the fast.

The Day of Your Session:

Eat healthy and nourishing foods, unless you are fasting with a pre-approved specific Detox Program. Please be sure to notify Cindy if you are fasting.
Eating a meal, 3 to 4 hours before your colonic is ideal, but no food or beverage should be consumed in the two hours just prior to your appointment. If you are diabetic, you may eat up to 30 minutes prior to the session and bring food with you for after the session.

Drinking as much water as you can comfortably consume – DO NOT over-compensate by guzzling a gallon of water. Nothing to drink for two hours prior to session is very important.
Allow for time and space to clear your mind from the hustle and bustle of the outside world. You should come into your session calm and relaxed so that your body will best respond to the treatment. You may find that deep breathing, light exercising, soothing music and a positive, supportive environment help to facilitate a peaceful state of mind.

Please arrive 15 minutes early to fill out your paper work (unless you have completed the forms and are bringing them with you.) Upon completion Cindy will review your health history, answering questions and making sure that you feel very comfortable before getting started.